Tarapoto Pima cotton clutch

Handmade boom: Tarapoto Pima cotton clutch

Composing a costume ensemble of basic colors, you will not get a strict and business image. A small orange clutch is able to give brightness and expressiveness to the entire neutral set. All things acquire a new life, filled with elegant charm and sunny warmth. With this color you will not look dull and tired, but always fresh, bright, catchy and creative.

How to wear and combine?
An orange bag does not affect the appearance color types in any way. It can be matched to any combination, the main thing is that there is harmony in the tonality, form and style of the image. So, let’s see, what does an orange handbag go with? Introducing the classic combination of black, white and orange with the addition of biker accents. Cotton orange bag will make the look interesting and non-standard. For determined and fearless girls!
Blue-turquoise gamma in combination with orange color give the image brightness and, at the same time, harmony. A print skirt adds femininity and romance, and an orange handbag gives a hint of self-expression and a refined taste in clothing.
Imagine the following image without textile handbag. Boring and easy? But the presence of a bright accent will not let achromatic colors make the kit dull. You will not look defiant, but noticeable among others. This combination is elegant and concise.
Summer, light, cheerful outfit: denim shorts, orange sneakers, a white jacket with ruffles and a bright bag. Denim shorts can be replaced with regular jeans, and sneakers with ballet flats or sandals.

Color, material and other details
Tarapoto Pima cotton clutch presented in one shade.
The artisan-made clutch is handcrocheted of pima in petite geometrics of lilac, gold and orange. Detailed with a wrist strap, zip top and bead-tipped tassel.

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