Neiman Marcus Cashmere Collection Cashmere Open-Front Kimono Cardigan

Neiman Marcus Cashmere Collection Cashmere Open-Front Kimono Cardigan: wherever you go

Women and men are interested in the question of how and with what to wear a cardigan. After all, this is a very convenient and practical type of clothing. It is able to warm on cool summer evenings; in autumn and winter it can be worn under a coat or jacket. And if you choose a good style, you will be able to create a stylish image.
Representatives of all age groups wear a knitted cardigan. Due to the variety of styles, colors and textures, he has become one of the most versatile things. Each season has its own model and density.

How to wear and combine

A similar knitted model with a classic dress, skirt and high heel shoes looks very interesting. If you use soft colors for the kit, then it is quite appropriate in the office with a not very strict dress code. The ensemble of a gray dress and a white top looks formal enough, but not too strictly, especially if you add it with jewelry. You can choose a gently blue shade of a cardigan, but not with a hood.
But not only for a business woman a similar image in the English style is suitable. If you choose a bright yellow dress and wear it with a model decorated with neutral gray and white rhombuses, you get an unusual and effective image that can be used even for a party. Models without buttons that are fastened with a belt look interesting, for example, brown is relevant.
Skinny jeans, high-heeled shoes, a T-shirt, shirt, or even a crop top, white or, say, blue, can go on a date. If desired, the trousers are boldly replaced with an elegant pencil skirt. A burgundy, black or dark blue cardigan will decorate the set in a casual style. Shoes in this case are chosen with or without a small heel. The thing can be worn under a coat or jacket.

Color, material and other details about Neiman Marcus Cashmere Collection Cashmere Open-Front Kimono Cardigan

Neiman Marcus Cashmere Collection Cashmere Open-Front Kimono Cardigan presented in following shades:
1) camel;
2) imperial red;
3) black.

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