Neiman Marcus Cashmere Collection Cashmere Drape Cardigan

Neiman Marcus Cashmere Collection Cashmere Drape Cardigan is not only a universal and practical thing that can be found in every women’s wardrobe, but also a fashionable and also stylish item of clothing

A knitted cardigan will save you from the most inclement weather – this is an excellent choice for every day, regardless of the impending plans: it will be appropriate both at work and for a walk in the company of friends. Models made of high-quality material differ from each other in various styles, colors and designs. Owners of completely different types of figures can afford to wear a cardigan, because this product is basic.

How to wear and combine

Always relevant is the question of what to wear with a long cardigan. Indeed, it is precisely such models that look especially stylish, making the image unusual and boring. You can think of many combinations, especially if you pick up the original model with a hood, without buttons or sleeves. The advantage of such clothes is that they well hide the flaws of the figure, so that girls of any complexion can wear it.
Skinny jeans, high-heeled shoes, a T-shirt, shirt, or even a crop top, white or, say, blue, can go on a date. If desired, the trousers are boldly replaced with an elegant pencil skirt. A burgundy, black or dark blue cardigan will decorate the set in a casual style. Shoes in this case are chosen with or without a small heel. The thing can be worn under a coat or jacket.
A long black dress on the floor will be decorated with a light model. And under a black cardigan, you should wear a white shirt. A neat woolen dress will complement a cardigan from knitwear, this is a very cozy solution for autumn weather.

Color, material and other details about Neiman Marcus Cashmere Collection Cashmere Drape Cardigan

Neiman Marcus Cashmere Collection Cashmere Drape Cardigan presented in two awesome shades:
1) heather gray;
2) classic black.

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