Mother of Pearl Willow Cable-Knit Cardigan with Tassels

Mother of Pearl Willow Cable-Knit Cardigan with Tassels for tender look

Representatives of all age groups wear a knitted cardigan. Due to the variety of styles, colors and textures, it has become one of the most versatile things. Each season has its own model and density.
Mother of Pearl Cardigan is one of the most sought after products. The style and length do not matter. You do not need to think long about what to wear a cardigan without buttons, since it is universal. This product emphasizes the strengths and hides the flaws of the physique. It will be in harmony with most types of clothes that are already in your closet.

How to wear and combine

– Summer. Long and shortened cardigans are recommended. They complement everyday and business looks. In the evening or in windy weather, you can wear a cardigan with short textile shorts. At the latest fashion shows, designers suggested wearing it with tight-fitting dresses made of satin, silk, knitwear.
– Autumn and spring. Products of medium and maximum length are appropriate. They will be warm and comfortable. The contrast of knitted texture and tight-fitting textiles, leather will be the highlight of your set. In this case, it will be very convenient for you. Cardigan and laconic leggings are appropriate for a walk and even in the office with a lax dress code. The main advantage of this combination is the ability to experiment with shoes. You can wear models on low speed and any heel.
– Winter. Reliable protection from the cold and an indicator of good taste will be spectacular fitted analogs of large or small knitting. If you decide to wear a knitted cardigan with a dress, make sure that these two things are the same length. It can also be worn with straight or skinny jeans. Dress up classic shirts as well as printed t-shirts. The absence of fasteners on the cardigan can be compensated by a belt, a wide or narrow belt. These accessories will make the image relevant and interesting.

Color, material and other details about Mother of Pearl Willow Cable-Knit Cardigan with Tassels

Its material includes organic cotton/wool/polyester.
Mother of Pearl Willow Cable-Knit Cardigan with Tassels presented only in one shade.

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