Avec Les Filles Lamb Leather Hardware Biker Jacket

Avec Les Filles Lamb Leather Hardware Biker Jacket is the personification of freedom

Leather jackets are stylish and elegant outerwear with a slight hint of brutality, restrained, practical and at the same time original. A clothing model that combines several conflicting characteristics at once, certainly causes a lot of questions. And the main question is, with what is better to combine a black jacket to create a harmonious image.

How to wear and combine Avec Les Filles Lamb Leather Hardware Biker Jacket

In principle, such a model of the outfit can fit into absolutely any look, but still it will not hurt to use the advice of fashion experts.
Fashion designers experiment with length and shades, textures and decor elements. Jackets are created not only from leather, but also from fabric, complemented by lining on the insulation, adapting to the cold season. They are supplemented with pockets, belts, decorated with embroideries, rivets, decorative snakes and prints of patterns. Looking at the lineup of jackets you can simply get confused, but, having already acquired a suitable style, fashionistas will have to experiment with their own image, given the cut and style of clothing.
And to complement this image is better rebellious elements of the wardrobe. It can be cropped tops, leather pants with an oversized fit, stylish t-shirts with deep necklines and T-shirts. Such a black jacket in combination with a mini-dress or skirt will look very original, but the main thing is not to go too far with frankness.
Sunglasses, bandanas and neck scarves are best combined with the classic leather jacket model. They allow us to emphasize the traditional brutality of the image. If you choose an elongated or dark model of a leather jacket, better complement it with rough shapeless bags, and if summer, then elegant. Do not forget about other elements of the image.

Color, material and other details

Avec Les Filles Lamb Leather Hardware Biker Jacket presented in following shades:
1) black;
2) red;
3) green.
Content: jacket 100% leather; lining 100% polyester.
Care: professionally leather clean only.
Avec Les Filles Lamb Leather Hardware Biker Jacket

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